Imran Ahmad, MD, FRCA
United Kingdom

Ruben Ayala, MD

Laura L. Ardizzone, DNP, ACNP, CRNA

Zoltán Bakó, MD

Karin B Björkelund, PhD, CRNA, EC Chair
Karin Björkman Björkelund, Doctor of Medical Science (PhD), Assist. Professor.
Director of studies, Advanced level, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University (2006 – 2017), Senior Lecturer Nurse Anesthesia Program, Lund University, 2017 on going.
Chair, IFNA Education Committee, 2014 on going.
PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: Doctor of Medical Science PhD, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund Sweden, 2008. Intensive Care Nurse (RNIC) 1987, Registered Nurse Teacher (RNT) 1980, Nurse Anesthetist, (RNAN) 1974, Registered Nurse (RN), 1972. Assist.lecturer/course leader/program director Nurse Anesthesia program, Lund university, Sweden (1982--2001/2008-2011). Nurse Anesthetist/Intensive Care, Lund University Hospital (1974--1985).
SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS: Chief Editor and Publisher of the Journal "AN-IVA Ventilen", Journal for Swedish Nurse Anesthetists and Intensive Care Nurses (The Swedish Association of Nurse Anesthetists and Intensive Care ). Assignment 1991—2001. The Swedish Association of Nurse Anesthetists and Intensive Care: County representative 1985-1990. Poster Session Co-Chair/ Reviewer, Nordic Congress for Intensive and Anesthesia Care NOKIAS 2013. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Quality Assurance in Higher Education. The Swedish Higher Education Authority Evaluation of all first and second-cycle programs. Responsible for the QA process for Lund University, Specialist Nursing programs, Midwifery program and Master one year program 2013-2015.
INTERNATIONAL ASSIGNMENTS: Chair, International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists (IFNA) Education Committee 2014. Vice Chair, IFNA Education Committee 2013.
Member of International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists (IFNA) Education Committee´, (2001-continuing). IFNA Accreditation Board: International Accreditation Program for Nurse Anesthesia programs since 2006, taking part in the development of IFNA International Accreditation Process (APAP) for Nurse Anesthesia programs including the Accreditation process and as an on-site visitor. Continuously responsible for the Student and Faculty Evaluation forms.
Teachers/Education Sessions, World Congresses, International Federation for Nurse Anesthetists (IFNA) (Paris 1994, Wien 1998, Chicago 2000, Helsingfors 2002, Lausanne 2006, The Haag 2010, Ljubljana 2012, planning for Tunisia 2014 (inhibited), on-going planning for Glasgow 2016). Poster Session Chair/ Reviewer/Judge. IFNA World Congress for Nurse Anesthetists, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2016 and Budapest 2018.
International representative for Nursing programs, Board of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, 2013 on-going.
Member of Universitas 21 (U21) Health Science Group http://www.u21health.org/ U 21 Health Science Group; reviewer at the U21 HS Doctoral, Student Forum at U21 HSG Meeting in Shanghai Sept 2014, giving presentations at the U21 meeting in Birmingham GB 2016, U21 meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa 2017.
International Nordic Network for Nurse Anesthetist Education, NORDANNET, Faculty Student Exchange Program. A Nordic Network Collaboration established in Lund 1997, including Nurse Anesthetist Education programs in Lund and Stockholm, Sweden, Copenhagen and Arhus in Denmark, Oslo and Bergen in Norway, Helsinki in Finland and Reykjavik in Island. New members 2014: Gothenburg, Sweden and Faroe Islands. The network is ongoing including Faculty and Student exchanges, Network meetings, and Joint intensive courses.

Breda Doyle RGN, HDip Intensive Care, MSc Nursing
Breda Doyle works as an Organ Donor Nurse Manager in Ireland in the South/South West Hospital Group. She was appointed to this role in July 2015. Breda trained as a general nurse at Cork University Hospital, graduating in 1999. She has extensive experience working in Intensive Care both as a nurse and clinical facilitator. Breda has worked in Australia and on returning to Ireland completed a HDip in Intensive Care in UCD and an MSc in Clinical Nursing in UCC. Her current role as Organ Donor Nurse Manager is to champion educational strategies to promote organ donation to healthcare professionals particularly within the Intensive Care Units and provide clinical support to both families and staff with potential and actual organ donors.

Sigrunn Drageset, PhD, RN

Bitten Dybdal, MD

Lars Egger, MME Unibe, RNA

Thorunn S. Eliasdottir, PhD, CRNA

János Fazakas, MD, PhD

Adriano Friganovic, RN, BsN, MsN

Robert Hawkins PhD, DNP, MS, MBA, CRNA

Christian Herion, PhD, MME Unibe, CRNA

Jakob Ibsen Vedtofte, CRNA, Med

Hanna Illman, MD, PhD

Gabriella Iohom, MD, EDAIC, FCAI, PhD

Gunilla Islander, MD, PhD
Privately she is a mother of three and the eldest daughter is also an anesthesiologist. Outside work one interest is all types of textile handicraft from doing pictures with help of a computer and an embroidery robot to knitting, crochet and make clothes.

Jan Jakobsson, MD, PhD

Moncef Jendoubi, CRNA, BSN

Eva Joelsson-Alm, RN, CCRN, PhD

Lorraine Jordan, PhD, CRNA, CAE, FAAN

Ulrike Knipprath, MD

Attila Lőrincz

John Maye, PhD, CRNA, CAPT (Ret) USN

Vera Meeusen, PhD, MBA, RNA, AFACHSM
After emigrating to Australia, she obtained her fellowship of the Australian College of PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ACPAN) and the Associated Fellowship of the Australasian College Of Health Service Management and continued working in the perioperative environment.
In 2010, Vera became a member of IFNA’s Practice Committee and now she is also the chair of the Curriculum & Credentialing Council of ACPAN and a member of the Global Advisory Council of International Collaboration of PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN).

Jonathan Pabalate, CRNA, DNP
He received his masters degree in Anesthesiology Nursing at Florida International University, and his Doctor of Nursing Practice at the University of North Florida. For the past 10 years he has consulted for a variety of health care organizations in North America and Europe, assisting them in participating in health care outcomes research registries, implementation of data collection and interpretation, and designed custom software to help clinicians better understand the quality of care they deliver in meaningful ways.
Dr. Pabalate's area of research interests include the optimal use of technology in the healthcare setting, to help the clinicians of today make better decisions in patient care, thus improving health care outcomes. In addition, he teaches a variety of courses at the University of North Florida in the graduate school anesthesiology nursing program. In his free time he enjoys sailing, photography, crossfit, and spending time with his friends and family.

László Papp, PhD, MSc(N), RN

Pernille Lykke Petersen, MD, PhD

Marianne Riesen, MSc, CRNA

Pascal Rod, RN, IADE, BEd


Mari Saanisto, RN, MHSc

Vesna Svilenković, RN
She takes part at the parent clinical department, together with colleagues at organization and administration of regular systematic educations of pain management. Within the UMCL she also take part of education nursing students. As the co-author of poster took part in the Haag at the 9th World congress of nurse anesthetists in 2010. She took part in Ljubljana actively at the 10th World congress of nurse anesthetists in 2012. She cooperated several times as a lecturer at congresses of Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia and at seminares of professional section. She is also a member in Croatian association of pain management and she is taking part in their congresses. She also cooperated with contributions at UINARS in Serbia.

Bart Torensma, CRNA, MSc, PhD
The Netherlands

Szabolcs Péter Tóth, RN, BSc, MSc

Cees van der Vleuten, PhD
The Netherlands

Maria Van Pelt, PhD, CRNA

André van Zundert, MD, PhD, FRCA, EDRA, FANZCA
Throughout his career, Van Zundert focused on: improving patient care in anaesthesia; visualizing techniques used in anaesthesia; research in anaesthesia; teaching and simulation. His research focuses on obstetric anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia techniques and airway management and resulted in several groundbreaking techniques.

Tamás Vető, MD
He is passionate about difficult airway management and runs a national Difficult Airway Management Course in Budapest. He is the secretary of the Faculty of Difficult Airway Management of the Hungarian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy.


Terry Wicks MS, BSN, CRNA

Henrik Widegren, MD, PhD